duminică, 30 august 2015

Cum să îţi construieşti o carieră de succes?

Astăzi este foarte complicat să mai faci bani mulţi într-un mod cât mai uşor şi mai plăcut, însă nu este imposibil. Astăzi vă voi spune cate ceva despre Lucky Studio Iasi, un studio de videochat foarte cunoscut în România. Este o chestie cunoscută de când lumea! Bărbaţii vor avea întotdeauna unde să lucreze, chit că au terminată o facultate sau nu. De obicei unui bărbat îi vine foarte uşor să îşi găsească un loc de muncă, şi chiar dacă este un loc de muncă complicat, cu chiu cu vai, dacă bărbatul are mare nevoie de bani şi nu îşi găseşte un loc de muncă mai bun, atunci se va mula pe cerinţe şi va lucra acolo. În ceea ce le priveşte pe femei, acestea au opţiunile mai limitate.
Este dificil pentru o femeie să îşi găsească un loc de muncă rezonabil. Hai să fim puţini misogini (noi, bărbaţii) şi să recunoaştem faptul că femeile, nu toate, sunt făcute pentru munca fizică istovitoare pe care unii bărbaţi o au. Aşadar, ce le mai rămâne acestor femei de făcut? Dacă nu au o facultate, sau sunt în timpul studenţiei, singurele locuri de muncă pe care le pot avea sunt de vânzător de produse cosmetice, chelneriţă/ospătăriţă sau angajată într-un magazin.
Există totuşi o nouă modalitate de a câştiga bani, simplu şi într-un mod cât mai plăcut. Este vorba de videochat. Mulţi stigmatizează persoanele care fac videochat, deoarece ele lucrează într-un mediu destinat adulţilor. Şi dacă femeile lucrează într-un mediu destinat adulţilor, ce înseamnă acest lucru? Să se dezbrace pe bani în faţa unui client care "licitează" pe corpul ei. Foarte puţini ştiu însă că videochat-ul nu înseamnă întotdeauna femei dezbrăcate, ci pot la fel de bine să fie ţintele unor bărbaţi care caută companie, chiar dacă este impropriu spus "companie", întrucât totul se face în mediul virtual. Multe fete care lucrează în aceste studio-uri sunt plătite pentru a purta discuţii pe diverse subiecte. Videochat-ul nu înseamnă mereu doar chestiuni ce ţin de domeniul adulţilor, ci poate la fel de bine să însemne o şedinţă în care se pot discuta lucruri care pot fi discutate de către ambele părţi implicate.
Ce este cel mai important în toată această treabă? Banii câştigaţi sunt bani făcuţi într-un mod cinstit, iar locul de muncă este pe cât se poate de legal. Faptul că românii, şi nu numai, stigmatizează această meserie, este partea a doua, însă acest lucru nu ar trebui să influenţeze decizia de a lucra într-un domeniu care pot aduce foarte mulţi bani. De ce ai nevoie pentru a face videochat? Evident, trebuie să fii o persoană şarmantă, deschisă pentru a cunoaşte persoane noi şi pentru a discuta diverse subiecte. Şi nu în ultimul rând, un studio care să înţeleagă nevoile fiecărei angajate.

miercuri, 26 august 2015

Turn your car into a beauty - car stickers from Bedding Inn

This year is one of my best years so far. I must say that I went through many things, good and bad, but I am thankfully for everything. Maybe the most important thing is that I started to go to a driving school. If God helps me, by the end of this year I will get my driver license. Yay! Anyway, I started keeping some money for an affordable car and the budget is quite big right now. But it troubles me that I can't get a very good looking car, so I think that I will buy some cool car stickers. I know, some might find this silly, but I really think that car stickers could make my car look more beautiful.

I believe that you don't really need to invest a lot in a car when it comes to appearance. Some cheap car stickers can totally change the entire look of the car if you know where to place them for the best results. Some may define me as a penny father when it comes to money, and maybe I am, but why not having the cheapest way to solve a problem? Money don't grow in trees, and everybody knows that. In this manner I would love to solve all my problems! Low budget but faster and easier solving. It would be great if everything worked just like this.

Anyway, as a matter of fact, I started searching for a local store that sells awesome car stickers, but I didn't found anything that could actually fit with my preferences. Again, I think that it's up to the online stores to help me find my favorite products. What would be the best store for me right now? Bedding Inn. It makes me laugh because I didn't actually think that a store named "Bedding Inn" could actually sell car stickers. Anyway, here are two products that I love! Check this link for more: http://www.beddinginn.com/Custom-Car-Decor-Accessories-102416/.

  Company: Bedding Inn
       Email: service@Beddinginn.com
       Phone: 0086-10-56225210


luni, 24 august 2015

Hair extensions at the best prices only on CCHairExtensions.com

I've had enough with girls. I just can't deal with their fashion sense. More and more girls go for clip in hair extensions when they have such beautiful hairs. Ok, I don't really disagree with that, but at least those hair extensions should be some good products bought from a store on which you have bought in the past and you know that it is trustworthy. Some of the clip hair extensions may be so bad that they might actually make you look worse than some may think. 

Now for those who are looking for a new hair weave or the best hair extensions on the internet, I really recommend CCHairExtensions. This is the only store on the internet, and I bet 100% that nobody can find a better store than this one. I've written before about this store because it's one of my favorite. Many of the products are some of the finest in this domain. In my opinion, CCHairExtensions is one of those stores on which you can rely on when you need a little extra for your look. 

Again, I would like to say that I don't think it is really necessary to wear any of these products, but damn! With the best prices online and hair extensions that look just like the hair of many famous persons, I believe there is not much to do. I am a fan of online shopping and I think that CCHairExtensions.com should be on every girl list of stores when it comes to fashion. The best thing at this store is that there will always be some kind of promotion to many products, which is great! A woman that respects herself should look only for the best when it comes to her own image, and the best can be found only on CCHairExtensions!!!


sâmbătă, 22 august 2015

Out of ideas? No problem! - Bedding Inn

I've always imagined that I will have a small house with a beautiful woman and two adorable kids around it. If you ask me, I am that kind of person that doesn't like the big. Big isn't always everything! Actually, I think that details are what makes a gorgeous house. Because I am quite a critic when it comes to interior design, I had to search through my list with stores that could help me find some of the best ideas for decorations. I am not yet ready to take such a responsibility in my hands, but it's never too late to prepare for the future. And because I am an optimist, I know that my future is bright and it is surrounded with everything that I wish.

For the kids room decor I think I will go with something playful and colorful because I want them surrounded by positive auras and always be happy and feel safe within their very own space. But why did I started with the kids room when first of all I should have started with the baby room? I am not that good with this kind of room. Actually I would just add a bed and one lamp and voilà! The thing is that I don't think that the mother would agree with that. A baby should also be surrounded by toys and stuff like that. Maybe, I don't know! This is why I'll need some help with baby room decorating ideas

Bedding Inn is one of the best stores that could help us bring our dream to reality, without having to hire somebody to come with kids room decorating ideas. At the end of the day, when everything is settled and we will all be happy and proud of our work as a family, we would all sit in front of our porch and look at our house with a big smile.





joi, 20 august 2015

Jocurile sunt pentru toţi!

Care este primul lucru care vă trece prin minte atunci când vă plictisiţi? Eu de obicei caut să fac în aşa fel încât să îmi treacă timpul mai repede, iar de obicei acest lucru nu este posibil decât dacă mă joc sau fac ceva asemănător. Nu este o noutate, îmi place să mă joc foarte mult pe internet şi să descopăr cele mai faine şi mai jucate jocuri ale momentului. De obicei mă uit după jocuri logice, însă nu fac abstracţie nici de la celelalte categorii de jocuri. Sunt un împătimit al distracţiilor virtuale, iar acest lucru reiese din orele pe care le petrec pe laptop în timpul zilei. Uneori prea mult, aş spune...

Nu este de mirare că generaţiile actuale petrec atât de mult timp în faţa computerului când jocurile devin din ce în ce mai interesante. Foarte mulţi dezvoltatori de jocuri caută să conceapă jocuri bazându-se pe aprecierile jucătorilor şi a statisticilor. Foarte multe jocuri din zilele noastre sunt 3D sau pot fi jucate chiar cu dispozitive ce te introduc în realitatea virtuală (Oculus Rift, pentru cei interesaţi), însă uneori mă simt depăşit de avansul tehnologiei în acest domeniu şi simt că mai degrabă aş face câţiva paşi înapoi spre jocuri mahjong. Simplitatea jocurilor, cel puţin în cazul meu, este ceea ce transformă un simplu joc într-o capodoperă!

Sunt genul de persoană care analizează foarte mult detaliile atunci când face ceva, iar jocurile nu sunt o excepţie. Pentru ca un joc să fie de calitate, acesta trebuie să îndeplinească câteva aspecte esenţiale. Grafica trebuie să fie rezonabilă, dificultatea să poată fi stabilită în funcţie de preferinţele fiecărui utilizator, iar experienţa să facă jucătorul să se întoarcă pentru încă o "partidă". Aşadar, există azi sute de mii de jocuri care, chiar dacă sunt mai vechi, în ceea ce priveşte conceptele şi sistemele, însă dacă acestea îndeplinesc câteva aspecte, pot cu uşurinţă să surclaseze chiar şi cele mai bine finanţate jocuri din industrie!

Autumn thoughts

Nu îmi vine să cred cum este vremea afară! Cu toate că este abia luna august, se pare că toamna îşi face simţită prezenţa mai devreme. Oare de acum încolo aşa va fi vremea? Este foarte puţin probabil, dar chiar nu vreau ca vara să se termine atât de brusc, asta pentru că încă nu sunt încă pregătit pentru hainele groase. Îmi doresc totuşi cu ardoare să treacă şi căldura şi să vină perioada aceea în care voi putea să merg prin oraş îmbrăcat în bluze şi hanorace. Ce mă enervează cel mai mult la această vreme? Faptul că sunt nevoit să port şosete prin casă pentru a nu răci, dat fiind faptul podeaua este rece. 

Trecând peste toate aceste aspecte, m-am gândit să caut nişte imagini cu toamna. Pentru cei care nu ştiu, anotimpul meu preferat este toamna. Pe lângă faptul că doar toamna se fac strugurii şi tot atunci se culeg roadele, toamna este singura perioadă care combină căldura şi frigul, făcând astfel temperatura mult mai suportabilă. Am vrut musai să caut nişte imagini cu toamna pentru că vreau să le împărtăşesc cu voi, aşadar, dacă şi voi sunteţi încântaţi de venirea anotimpului, vă invit să vă bucuraţi de următoarele imagini:

miercuri, 19 august 2015

De ce advertoriale?

Salut bloggeri şi dragi cititori! Dacă vă întrebaţi cum de scriu în română după atâta timp în care am scris numai în engleză, ei bine, mi s-a făcut dor să scriu puţin conţinut şi în română. Nu cred că interesează pe mulţi motivul pentru care am scris în engleză şi am făcut atâtea postări tip advertoriale în ultima perioadă, însă eu tot vă voi da câteva informaţii. Întrucât am avut destul de mult timp liber şi am avut nevoie de nişte bănuţi, am spus: "dacă tot am de unde să fac rost, de ce nu?". Aşadar, m-am pus pe muncă şi în doar o lună am reuşit să îmi cumpăr un telefon mobil, ceea ce mă încântă la maximum! Este primul meu smartphone, de care sunt foarte mândru de altfel, şi cred că o să îmi fac treaba numai bine cu el. Nu o să spun nimic despre telefon pentru că nu vreau să fac o recenzie a telefonului, însă este vorba de un Lenovo A6000. Iniţial doream un Lenovo S60, însă era niţel mai scump şi nu avea culoarea pe care o doream. În orice caz! Pentru mine, Lenovo A6000 este echivalentul a unui Samsung Galaxy S3, ba chiar puţin mai drăguţ, aş spune eu.

Pe lângă telefon am mai strâns nişte bani pentru haine. Am realizat că în mai puţin de o lună va începe din nou liceul, iar eu nu am încă haine de toamnă. Ce tragedie!!! Mă rog, am bani destui pentru câteva haine de "back to school", dar îmi mai trebuie câte ceva şi va trebui să dau o fugă până la Galaţi sau la Iaşi pentru a face câteva cumpărături prin mall-uri. În ceea ce priveşte blogul, cred că voi începe prin toamnă un blog nou, cu domeniu şi o temă premium, pe care voi realiza o varietate de postări, cel mai probabil lăsându-l pe acesta pentru advertoriale şi chestii de genul, iar pe celălalt să îl fac doar pentru mine. În orice caz, dat fiind faptul că în România trebuie să fii niţel mai activ în blogosferă pentru a căpăta un renume, iar eu nu îmi permit să acord mai mult de câteva ore pe zi blogului şi activităţilor adiacente, cred că voi avea conţinut doar în limba engleză pe el. De ce? Engleza atrage mai mult trafic pe blog decât limba română, fapt dovedit recent (cel puţin pentru mine) prin advertorialele publicate. Aşadar, cam atât despre mine!

marți, 11 august 2015

Beautiful cheap formal dresses from BeFormal!

I love how women dress up for events. Men appreciate how women dress for special events or parties. The fact that I am 18 years old, and maybe some would say that I am way too young to talk about fashion, but this doesn't stop me from discussing about clothes, either for men or women. Fashion is for everybody and I really think that you can make a fortune if you are good in it whether you are a fashion designer, a model or a fashion critic. But you can also make a fortune out from fashion without being anything from what I said. You can also own an online store, just like BeFormal, and make tons of money because you bring good quality products for sale. I found many cheap formal dresses from beformal that looked so beautiful that I might actually buy as gifts for birthdays.

Ok, ok! So many online stores can give you good deals for plus size formal dresses Australia, but none can give you cheap formal dresses online like BeFormal.com.au [http://www.beformal.com.au/list/plus-size-formal-dresses-c113338/]! Believe me that I've seen many stores, and yes you can debate on whether this store is the best or not, but I believe that it is good enough to make your order for a nice and good looking dress. Many of my readers asked me where they can find some of the best stores to buy good quality dresses for their girlfriends or even for them (women). The only thing I could say was that many of these stores are often from Asia, but this time you can find a good online store from Australia. I really recommend you to shop from this store as it has some of the cheapest products, but yet very beautiful and made from great materials. Why don't you give it a try?

miercuri, 5 august 2015

Best deals for high heels only from Shoespie

I don't really get women with their sense of fashion. I just don't! What is the difference between high heels and ankle boots? This is like a riddle for me, because I have to deal with this confusion daily. I don't understand why women do wear these, even though they look great and attractive. I am not such a fan of high heels because I know the negative effects that they can have on women's legs and back. Anyway, I am not going to do an anatomy class today or talk about any negative effect that these might have upon wearing them too much, but instead I will talk about the positive effects. First of all, men love to see women in high heels. It is known that men are attracted to women with long legs and in this situation, the black platform ankle boots and lace up ankle boots fit just perfect!

Are you a woman? You think you have enough shoes or boots? Nah! You can never have too much shoes and boots. This is why Shoespie [http://www.shoespie.com/C/Cheap-Heels-104569/] is one of the biggest stores online for affordable strap up heels and cheap ankle boots. Many of it's customers are girls and they always come back to shop because only on Shoespie you can find the best deals for high heels and any other kind of boots or shoes. The promotions keep coming and the prices are very low, but don't get fooled! Just because the prices are low this doesn't mean that the quality is bad. In fact, every product from Shoespie is made from fine materials and can resist a long time. 

Shoespie [http://www.shoespie.com/C/Ankle-Boots-101419/] is recommended by customers from around the world for it's big variety of products. I, as a man, love how beautiful some products can be and also how many discounts you can get. Here are some high heels which I think that they look great! Visit www.shoespie.com for more!

http://www.shoespie.com/product/11292020.html http://www.shoespie.com/product/10833826.html
http://www.shoespie.com/product/10566133.html http://www.shoespie.com/product/11288290.html

Enhancing the look with hair extensions from uuhairextensions.com

Have you ever believed that there is a place where you can buy real human clip in hair extensions? Neither did some of my friends. I did know because I am a blogger and I have to be informed about a lot of things. I've done a lot of stuff since I've become a blogger and this includes wearing wigs and hair extensions. Yes, I went to a party where I had to wear a wig and occasionally change it with some hair extensions. From that day I promised that I will never ever get drunk again, as it was one of the most embarrassing nights of my life. Anyway! I think that the cheapest human hair extensions, which are just good for this kind of parties, can be found on uuhairextensions.com, which is one of the best reviewed stores for clip in real hair extensions and many others!

Lately I've seen women going for a walk or having fun at dance clubs with hair extensions, which made them really look great. I don't know if they had problems with their hairs, but I can assure you that hair extensions look pretty damn awesome, if you know how to use them, of course. In the past I never agreed with something like this, but suddenly something changed and it seems that I stop or change the way a woman prepares herself for a night in the club or just do her makeup. It is very important for that woman to feel special and beautiful in her own skin, but it is also important for that woman to boost her confidence up with some accessories. And what other way to do this if not by using hair extensions? They are not that expensive, they look great and they won't make any difference between colors if they are properly used. 


Affordable clip in hair extensions from uuhairextensions.com

I've spent 18 years in a house surrounded by my sister and my mother. I also have my brother and my father around, but these two women are so important that I actually started to learn more and more about women. Probably one of the things I can say that women can always relate to is shopping. Shopping is one of their favorite activities. But they also love to look beautiful so this is why I learned that they can spend hours in front of a mirror without moving an inch just to do a proper makeup or arrange their hair. Thankfully, none of these two women from my life had to use long clip in hair extensions as their hair look beautiful as it is.


For me it's very important that the girl next to me to look beautiful. I know, I shouldn't judge the look, but I think that as long as we are going to be together, we must give our best to look fine so that the world won't have to judge us. Beauty is something that comes from inside, and when you are beautiful inside, this makes you beautiful outside. I believe that intelligent and good people, and only them, look beautiful. Only bad people look bad, because their miserable lives can't show anything good to the world. Anyway! I don't intend to be superficial, but I love the concept of beauty and being beautiful. 

If it's necessary, I wouldn't mind if my girlfriend had to wear thick clip in hair extensions. Actually I really think that they look quite amazing! The hair is what makes a person unique. Am I the only one who thinks that the hair is what we focus on first when we see a person? I hope not! Anyway, you can find affordable clip in hair extensions only on uuhairextensions.com, which is, by the way, a great store for hair extensions.

marți, 4 august 2015

Cute cheap casual dresses from Ericdress.com

What does a man really want from his lovely girlfriend when they go to an event? That man wants her to be the most beautiful woman in that area. Anyway, that man will always think that his girlfriend is the most beautiful and special woman in his life. But how about going for a walk in the park? Well, I can say that it's just the same story. Although men wish that their loved ones could look better, women will always look great for their men. Simple like that! I've seen many girls with their boyfriends in the city lately and many of them were dressed up in casual dresses. Just like those from Ericdress [http://www.ericdress.com/]!

You've never heard of Ericdress? It's one of the best online stores for cheap casual dresses and sheath dresses [www.ericdress.com/list/cheap-casual-dresses-101891/]. I've promoted this store many times as it is one of my sister's favorite online stores and it seems that they have the best promotions for dresses. Many of their customers are pleased with the quality and the prices of the products. My sister love to shop online and she thinks that it is the perfect store for lace dresses for sale and cute cheap casual dresses [www.ericdress.com/list/cheap-lace-dresses-101889/]. 

I always think that online shopping is the best way to purchase your favorite products. Women found this long before men did and maybe this is why Ericdress is so famous over the internet. Anyway, as a man I can say that Ericdress provides some of the best dresses for women. They look gorgeous and special. I think that every woman should own a casual dress from this store as they are some of the best pieces you could find online. My sister once bought one dress from Ericdress and she is proud of it. The dress is made from fine materials and it didn't cost much [www.ericdress.com/list/cheap-sheath-dresses-102050/].


luni, 3 august 2015

Hair loss problems? Not anymore! - Wigsbuy review

Lately I've started to feel like the only thing I want to do is dance... like all night long! And that's because I am used to party and go out for a walk only when it's already dark. One week ago I went to a party where we had to wear wigs. It was one of the funniest parties that I have ever been invited to! The only thing that I regret is that I couldn't afford a good wig. I've found many high quality synthetic wigs on the internet, but none of them actually was what I've searched for. Only women could actually buy what they were looking for, and that because they could shop on Wigsbuy.com [shop.wigsbuy.com/Custom-Synthetic-Wigs-101996/]! We were all supposed to wear wigs that could change our look and make us different persons. Anyway! I've seen many faces and synthetic wigs that night and I will never forget it as it was one of my favorite nights ever!

After that party, I was curious about wigs. Many girls came with wigs that depicted hair of celebrities. I really wanted to know where they got them but none of them told me. So the curiosity pushed me to go again on the internet and search for stores. Again, Wigsbuy.com [http://shop.wigsbuy.com/] came into my way and led me to a fascinating journey of shopping. This is my favorite wig shop from the internet. I talked about this store in previous blog posts and I want to express once again the fact that I am pleased to see how many products they have and that the quality of their services is great.

If you are searching for one of the best wigs that you can ever wear, at a party just like the one I went, or if you have hair loss problems, Wigsbuy is the internet store you need to check! Only on Wigsbuy.com you can find real human hair for sale and beautiful human hair wigs [shop.wigsbuy.com/Custom-Human-Hair-Wigs-101938/].

Just another way to shop - TBDress review

I find it very hard to go shopping for autumn and winter clothes. Sometimes I need to stay in stores like three to four hours to find something that I'd actually wear. I can't imagine how hard this could be for women. But I always thought that women have some wrong ideas about clothes. I say that because I don't really understand why they need more than one coat per year. Actually, I think that there is no need for something like that, but... yeah! This is how women live. They love to have tons and tons of clothes so that they can change them every single day. 

Anyway, I think that with stores like TBDress there shouldn't be any problem with shopping. Women can always buy their favorite clothes from the internet, while men can't actually do that without having to try them before buying. TBDress is one of the best online stores for cheap outwear. I found many clothes that my sister and my mother would love to wear. The fact is that TBDress provides some of the best clothes for online buyers. All the clothes look pretty and they are not that expensive as I thought. Here are some images with some women outwear coats and plus size women outwear that I find really attractive from TBDress.

These clothes look beautiful and they are made with good materials. I've seen many reviews about TBDress and every customer gave a good rating to the store. I find it very comfortable to shop online and I think that women think the same. It's very easy to buy and it takes only a few minutes. It's not that hard to find something that could fit you and it's always a great experience to buy something online. I recommend you to visit TBDress and give it a chance. You won't be dissapointed by the quality of their products and services!

sâmbătă, 1 august 2015

Fericirea vine în paşi de dans

Ce este mai plăcut pentru un copil dacă nu să se distreze în aer liber? Cu toţii ştim cât de puţin timp petrec copiii pe afară şi câtă importanţă dau aceştia dispozitivelor electronice. Un factor important în viaţa acestora îl au părinţii, iar odată ce aceştia se implică şi arată copiilor ce alte alternative au în afară de a sta în casă în faţa televizorului, computerului sau telefonului. Dacă la vârsta la care eram copil aş fi ştiut că există posibilitatea de a mă înscrie la cursuri de dans, aş fi făcut-o! Aşa cum mă ştiu, îmi place foarte mult să fac mişcare, iar dansul se numără printre activităţile mele preferate.

Am observat că pe internet tot circulă în ultima perioadă link-uri către şcoli de dans. Se pare că este un nou trend care capătă amploare printre tineri, chiar şi printre copii. Pentru un părinte care vrea să îşi înscrie copilul la cursuri de dans copii preţurile sunt foarte avantajoase. Cu toate acestea, preţul nu ar trebui să îi pună probleme părintelui, pentru că ar trebui să îi pese mai mult de activitatea în care este implicat copilul său. Copiii de astăzi trebuie să înveţe să facă mai multă mişcare şi să se bucure mai mult de viaţă.

Nu ştiu dacă este neaparat cea mai bună metodă de a scoate un copil din casă, însă eu văd cursurile de dans în felul următor:
- Sunt bune atât pentru formarea fizică, asta pentru că dansul poate fi foarte solicitant, dar şi pentru formarea caracterului copilului.
- Ajută la descoperirea adevăratei personalităţi a copilului. Dansurile reprezintă o modalitate foarte bună de a descoperi mai multe particularităţi despre copil.
- Preţurile sunt avantajoase şi pot înlocui cu uşurinţă orele de stat în pat sau în faţa unui dispozitiv cu display.

Fericirea copilului apare atunci când acesta capătă mai multe calităţi şi când este supus unor activităţi menite să îi solicite această zonă a caracterului său. Contactul cu alte persoane este benefic, ajutându-l astfel să treacă peste teama de a cunoaşte şi de a-şi face noi prieteni, dar totodată reprezintă o portiţă spre sufletul copilului, fiind mult mai uşor ca acesta să îşi exprime sentimentele şi gândurile faţă de persoanele cu care intră în contact. Deci dansul nu este chiar atât de rău pe cât pare, iar pentru cei care cred că dacă nu ai dansat când ai fost copil şi nu merită să mai dansezi acum pentru că rişti să te faci de râs cu mişcările jalnice, există cursuri de dans şi pentru adulţi, în funcţie de preferinţe.